July 15, 2019 3 min read
So, while you were pregnant, you dreamt of holding your little one, cuddling her, and making her sleep peacefully? But then reality hit when the baby would cry incessantly? Babies do cry, yes. But then some babies just refuse to calm down, no matter what you do. And then, the doctor tells you that the baby is colicky and all hell breaks loose!
But, dear mummies, it’s not as bad as it looks. Remember that baby colic is just a phase, and all you need to do is to have patience, and be there for your baby!
Image source: Today's parent.
What is Colic?
Colic is a condition where your new-born baby seems to be crying all the time. It usually starts when they are three weeks old. If the inconsolable crying situation of your healthy, well- cared and well- fed baby continues for more than three hours a day, three times a week for more than three weeks despite no health problems, the doctor might diagnose the baby as colic.
What are the Reasons for Colic?
The exact cause of colic is still unknown, so there is no medicinal cure for colic. But some reasons that are identified of a colicky baby are Food tolerance, Intussusception, Pyloric Stenosis, Middle Ear Infection, Acid Reflux. However, these are not the only reasons. Sometimes your baby turns cranky and with no valid reason, she may cry continuously.
How to survive Colic as a Mum?
Here are a few tips for you to calm yourself as well as the baby when the crying bouts occur.
Image source: jojomamanbebe
Although it feels like colic is dreadful for the baby and you, keep in mind that this rough time will also pass. It is fine to get frustrated because of screaming, restlessness, and sleep deprivation. But once this period is over, you will surely enjoy the new phase of motherhood.
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