We know that pregnancy and postpartum can be unsettling under normal circumferences, let alone now during this uncertainty with covid19. With that in mind, we wanted to build a resource page for all of you. Our community is important and we want to support whenever we can.
If you see any resource that is not highlighted, please email us at hello@lovemere.com. We will also be updating this page as we continue to look for additional resources.
Pregnancy / Postpartum / Breastfeeding
Singhealth on Covid-19 vaccination considerations for pregnancy, breastfeeding and when planning for a family
Healthhub Singapore provides essential info on the entire pregnancy journey.
Expectful is a meditation and sleep app for fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood.
World Health Organisation on the common FAQ for pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding during Covid-19.
Families for Life.sg provides informative guide on postnatal care for mums and babies, good read for pregnant mums to prepare themselves too.
Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore)
Email: counselling@breastfeeding.org.sg
Association for Breastfeeding Advocacy Singapore (ABAS)
Email: abas.sec@gmail.com
Mother and Child Singapore offers virtual antenatal classes.
Keep moving and stay active!
Basics prenatal yoga by whattoexpect.com
Keep fit exercises by Popsugar
Live workouts organize by ActiveSG
Last updated: 31st May 2021